Urgent Garmin Service Advisory click here for details.

ATTENTION! Garmin GFC 500 Digital Autopilot Owners!


November 23, 2022, Urgent Notification

Garmin released Service Bulletin 22109 Rev A on November 21, 2022, to owners and operators of their GFC 500 Digital Autopilot WITH OPTIONAL PITCH TRIM INSTALLED warning of the possibility of an un-commanded automatic pitch trim runaway when the autopilot is first engaged resulting in a deviation from the intended or desired flight path.

Garmin is suggesting one of two actions be taken by owners and operators:

  1. Disable the GFC 500 by pulling the AUTOPILOT circuit breaker and marking the Autopilot with a placard reading “Inoperative”, or
  2. Contact a Garmin dealer to disable the pitch trim as directed in Garmin STC SA01866WI Service Bulletin 22110.

NOTE: GFC Autopilots installed in Cirrus SR20/22 aircraft using STC SA01866WI are not affected.

Garmin assures owners and operators that the issue will be corrected in a future software update (expected in Q4 of 2022).

Call or email us now to schedule a time to have Coastal Winds Avionics assist with compliance with this Service Bulletin.  We can be reached 251-410-8050 or sales@cwa.aero.

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Urgent Garmin Service Advisory